A Day in the Life...

We've moved!

We're back at the old address: www.thecopelandcorner.blogspot.com

We had to move back because Google screwed with my other nbtwinmomx2 account and now I can only link to it. So, here we are. Back at the beginning...
Below are some links to the old pages... NBTwinMomX2

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today is the first day that James & Jonah didn't cry/whimper when we dropped them off. I couldn't believe it. I was putting their lunch boxes & backpacks in their little cubbies, turned around, "Where'd they go?" Their teacher said, "Awe, look at 'em." They were smiling and playing with cars and trucks and running around. My heart was filled with joy... and breaking at the same time. No more clinging to mommy for comfort and safety. They are growing up. Despite the fact that I forbade it. They are growing up...

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